Donate or Volunteer
The library staff are all volunteer positions and we are always looking for new volunteers. If you are interested and have as little as 3-6 hours per month please send and complete the email form to the right or stop in any day the library is open to complete a volunteer sign-up form. Indicate in the Message are you are interested in volunteering at the library.
Our History
Planning and inception through 2009
Opened on June 20, 2009 under name of Minong Community Library
Adjacent to Comforts Food Pantry in unheated storeroom
Operated by 4 volunteers
Less than 1000 books – primarily donated used paperbacks housed on 4 handcrafted bookshelves
Services free to all patrons
Needed heated facility
Open 2 days/wk for 7 hours total
Library registers as a non-stock corporation in State of Wisconsin
Board formed to direct and oversee operations
November, 2009 – January, 2011
Moved to one room space in Greenhaven Building - November, 2009
Hours of operation increase to 11 hours/week
Volunteer staff grows to 7
Additional shelves are added housing growing children’s collection.
Story hours held for 3 year olds – 5 year olds
Summer reading program begun with $1000 grant from AODA
Collection grows as local citizens continue to donate books and support fundraising efforts.
Large print and audiobooks are added to collection to meet the needs of a growing patron base.
Village of Minong agrees to provide $3000/ year for library operation; Town of Minong agrees to provide $5000/ year; Town of Frog Creek donates $800.
Patron base grows to over 200 adults and children.
January, 2011 – Present
Library moves to present location in 2-room suite in Greenhaven Building
Hours of operation increase to 4 days/wk for a total of 21 hours
Volunteer staff increases to 12
2 computers for public use added – free WiFi available
Collection grows to over 8000 items – DVD’s added to collection
Patron base increases to over 500 persons from 11 area municipalities
English as a second language classes begun for interested area Latinos
Guidance for those interested in completing GED degrees offered
Village of Minong continues to provide $3000/yr – Town of Minong continues to provide $5000/yr
Summer reading program continues each summer funded by AODA grant.
2013-2014 four volunteers completed educational course from the Bremer Rural Libraries and Literacy Leadership Institute positioning the library for Bremer Foundation grant opportunities.
Developed full range of policies and procedures needed to complete 501(c)(3).